Good4u Seal of Quality

The cornerstone of our service is integrity. Before we offer any product on our list, we interview our sources thoroughly. When necessary, we request for industry certification. However, if in doubt, we may not carry a specific item and advice customers accordingly.

We like to work with farmers and importers who uphold similar values. We believe people with integrity will not compromise quality for a quick profit. We strive to be a reliable and responsible source to all our customers. At the end of the day, we need to know we are putting the right food into our body, as the saying goes, we are what we eat. 

In our search to add more products to our list, we will endeavour to find products that would adhere to our Good4u Seal of Quality which stands for some or all of the following, 

               GOOD4U SEAL OF QUALITY

  • Wholesome
  • Good nutritional value
  • Manufactured products have no harmful chemicals
  • Environmentally friendly and natural
  • Grown without harmful fungicides, pesticides and/or fertilizers

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